What do you do well?
Where do your strengths lie? What do you enjoy doing? Are you good at doing what you enjoy doing? Or, are you happy doing what you do well?
Could it be that these two things hang together? Isn’t it a fact that you gravitate toward what you enjoy doing, and as a result spend more time on it, perfecting it?
Think about your favorite pastime. Is it your work, or is it your hobby? Is your work your hobby?
Whatever your situation, I believe that more often there is an equal sign between what you do well, and what you enjoy doing.
What do I do well?
This is so true in my instance. When I’m in my workshop I am the happiest when choosing colors for my mittens. I fall into a trance when deciding what colors go well together. I forget time entirely. I have to set the alarm because otherwise I won’t stop, and will definitely be late for dinner!
For many years I’ve purchased second-choice leather jackets from the Red Cross in Iceland, which is one of our Goodwill societies. By second-choice I mean that these items are damaged in some way, and cannot be sold in the stores. But for my purposes this doesn’t matter because I take the clothes apart anyway and put them back together again as something new.
I’ve been able to collect a good variety of colors through the years, so now I have a good stash from which to upcycle when designing new mittens. And that makes me extremely happy!